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Plywood machine routine maintenance method

15 Oct,2019

Daily small details can have a big impact on the plywood machine, and developing good maintenance habits is equivalent to the plywood machine's good habits.
Plywood machine routine maintenance method
Regarding the maintenance of the rotary cutting machine, the following points should be made in daily life: Pay attention to the surrounding safety matters, where safety refers to personal safety and machine safety. Since the rotary cutting machine uses high voltage power, it is very dangerous for the operator to operate improperly. Similarly, if the operator improperly operates the plywood machine, it may cause damage to the plywood machine.
Second, the inspection before starting the plywood machine, the operator should carefully check whether the connection line of the plywood machine is intact, the order of the connection line is correct, to avoid circuit short circuit, causing fire and explosion. The third is the small items to be inspected every day: If the cooling fan is working properly, whether the ambient cooling device can operate normally. In addition to these, there are some tips: check the plywood machine's digital display value in a timely manner, whether there is any abrupt noise during operation, net-type devices should be cleaned and cleaned on time, and the dust should be damaged.
Linyi guoyu machinery Co, Ltd.
China Plywood Machinery Manufacturer